In 2024, GANJ returns again to the subject of applied hydrogeology in the fractured-bedrock setting of the Newark Basin. The event, titled “Advances in Applied Hydrogeology of the Newark Basin,” will be held on Friday and Saturday, October 18-19, 2024, at The Watershed Institute, in Pennington, NJ. This venue offers beautiful, LEED‐certified conference facilities, where lectures will be held on Day 1 of the event. Activities on Day 2 will include hydrogeologic field demonstrations at a radial wellfield in the Passaic Formation, installed on the site in the 1960s to support research by USGS. Day 2 will also include review of core and other site data from the USGS Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC) site and one central NJ remediation site. Researchers from USGS will review findings of the NAWC studies, and a panel discussion will be convened for Q&A with presenters.
GANJ 2024 aims to attract a range of career professionals (consulting, academic, regulatory), with particular emphasis on students and aspiring professionals. GANJ is pleased to have the support of the New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professionals Association (LSRPA) in promoting this program.