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Geological Association of New Jersey
P.O. Box 5145
Trenton, NJ 08638-0145

The Geological Association of New Jersey is a non-profit organization that through its annual meeting and field guides provides and encourages Earth Science Education and the distribution of Geological information.

Sharing Local & Regional Geologic Skills and Knowledge

Since 1984, the Geological Association of New Jersey (GANJ) has held annual meetings, published field guides, and conducted geologic field trips. GANJ's annual meetings, proceedings and field trips distribute New Jersey-based earth science information from educators, researchers, government, and industry. As a strictly volunteer, non-profit organization, GANJ has been quite successful. To continue that success and in recognition of the changing roles of geologists and others involved with the earth sciences, notably environmental scientists, in New Jersey, the following reviews what members can get from GANJ and what is needed from GANJ's membership for us to continue.

For Professors of Geology and Environmental Science, GANJ has served, and continues to serve, as a low-cost fall field trip for their students. It offers both professors and their students an access to: local and regional geologic research; local and regional geologic outcrops; plus, the opportunity to network with geologists and environmental scientists from NJ's academic, industrial and governmental institutions. For example, both the executive board and field trip participants have included faculty from NJ and adjacent state universities; along with members of the Association of Engineering Geologists; the NJ Geological and Water Survey, plus other NJ Department of Environmental Protection staff; the United States Geological Survey; as well as numerous geologists from private industry notably in the environmental consulting sector.

For Academic, Geologic, and Environmental Researchers a GANJ conference allows you to highlight your research in a NJ focused professional setting. It also provides you the opportunity to showcase your research to local government and industry for their professional evaluation.

Besides the opportunities of networking with the regional geologic community and presenting your research, GANJ has opportunities for members to assist to with its website, administrative operations, and maintain its database of past fieldtrip locations with a searchable index based on geologic topics. Your involvement can be either as an elected official or as general member on a committee. As stated in a previous message to members, please consider getting involved, either as an executive, helping hand, or technical presenter for a lecture or field stop at the annual meeting: whether your motive to do it is for career advancement, fun, or both!

Contact any member of the GANJ Executive Board to find out more.